Latest News:
Congrats all around!
–Briana Rocha-Gregg was awarded an NIH Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Award!
–Stefan Lundgren was selected as a Trainee in the NIH Training Program in Molecular and Cell Biology!
–Briana Rocha-Gregg received a competitive Public Engagement Grant from ASCB and the Simons Foundation for her work in the Young Scientist Program!
Way to go Collins Lab!
Welcome Emel and Stefan!
We are pleased to welcome two new graduate students from the Biochemistry, Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology Graduate Group: Emel Akdogan & Stefan Lundgren!
Congratulations, Maya!
Maya Mysore, a visiting high-school student scientist was selected as a Regeneron Science Talent Scholar for the 2018. Maya has been working with graduate student, Briana Gregg on a project aimed at investigating CDC42 activity at the single-cell level in neutrophil-like PLB985 cells. Way to go, Maya!
Congratulations, Sean!
Dr. Sean Collins was awarded a New Innovator award from the National Institute of Health! Read more about the award HERE.